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Wherever I Am, God is, and All is Well

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Thank you to all of you for remaining in contact with our Unity Church of the Valley and for sharing your prayer requests and your "good reports" of healing, harmony, divine right action, vacation plans and prosperity.

In the Silent Unity Prayer Room whenever a caller would give us feedback about something like this: "it was a miracle that my son (or daughter) is now drug free," etc., we would call it a "good report!" A "good report" is simply the answer to your heartfelt prayer for the highest good to any situation in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Antique map (sepia toned)  with large decorative compass rose and sailing ship
God is wherever I am.

Our Lesson this Sunday is from our booklet on the Unity Prayer for Protection written by Rev. James Dillet Freeman: "Wherever I am, God Is and All is well!" Also, because the Silent Unity World Day of Prayer is Sept. 14th, 2023, I will share this year's theme of: "The Heart of Healing." This year, Silent Unity is using the affirmation: "I open my heart to healing in this moment."

For more than 130 years, affirmative prayer has been the key to the Unity Mission of Practical Christianity. To quote Unity World Headquarters at Lee's Summit, Missouri: "Unity is a global, inclusive, spiritual community. We offer practical, uplifting resources to help people of all faiths apply positive, spiritual principles to their lives."

God Bless us all in Faith, Love and our Commitment to follow the example of our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ.

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

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