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Let Go of Worry

Updated: Mar 2, 2024

silhouette of teal hands releasing violet-grey bird

We are referring to the current Silent Unity Lenten Study Booklet for 2024: "Let Go and Let God" for our Sunday Lessons in March and as we celebrate Easter Sunday. 

This Sunday's Lesson will be on the article: "Jesus Let Go of Worry", by Rev. Ellen Debenport.  We can find many references in the Bible to the phrase: "Fear Not."  Jesus' message to His Disciples and the great multitudes who followed Him during his brief public ministry with the words: "Don't Worry!"  

Personally, I have always thought of the Bobby McFerrin song: "Don't Worry, Be Happy!"  In my life, I have found that the act of "worrying" was an absolute waste of time and energy and never had a positive effect on the people or conditions that were upsetting you.  Let's enjoy our wonderful music with our new Music Director, Richard Ihara, meditate, pray together and consciously release our worries.

The One Power and One Presence is Blessing You, Right Now, Wherever You Are!

You are Loved and More Powerful than you know!!

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay

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