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The Valley Light Newsletter - January – February 2023

Minister’s Message

Here we are in the months of January and February in 2023! It is time to “turn the page in our Book of Life!” I first learned about the Book of Life from attending a weekly Theosophy Study Group on Sundays, reading articles and books by Madam H. P. Blavatsky, well known metaphysical teacher in Theosophy, many years ago.

She also referred to the Book of Life as the Akashic Records and that in the Akashic Records there was a history of the growth experiences of every soul.

This was the first time that I considered that all experiences in our life are considered growth experiences, even the experiences that our human ego would judge as traumatic or as a failure.

Everything we experience in our life in this earthly existence is a “gift.” We gain wisdom, love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and a greater connection with our Divine Source, that which we call God or Father-Mother.

So, in true gratitude, let us all: give thanks; accept Abundant Blessings! In this New Year, make an inner commitment to “turn the page in our Book of Life!”

In Deep Love,

Rev Jeri Linn



Kimberly Kluth 1 07


Nancy Buhl 2 19

Janet Bailey 2 20


January 2023

Guidance: “I am the harmonious action of divine love.”

Health: “Every part of my body, mind and spirit celebrates divine life.”

Prosperity: “In gratitude, I see abundant blessings and possibilities.”

Peace: “My every prayerful thought blesses the world with peace.”

February 2023

Guidance: “Centered in divine wisdom, I trust the whispers of Truth.”

Health: “One with God, I choose life, wholeness and well-being.”

Prosperity: “God is my strength; I am steadfast and courageous.”

Peace: “Divine peace flows in my mind and heart.”

Prayer Requests:

We give thanks for Answered Prayer! Unity Church of the Valley Prayer Ministry: Nancy Buhl, Director (Marina Del Rey, CA: 1-310-578-6193) or call Rev. Jeri Linn at the church office: 818-249-4396. The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, MO: 1-800-669-7729 (toll free) or 1-816-969-2000 24hrs – 7 days a week.

Unity Events (Jan – Feb. 2023)

January Birthday Sunday: January 1, 2023: Patti Halliday delighted all of us at Hospitality with homemade chicken cachitorri (sp?) absolutely delicious on a cold day)!

Annual Burning Bowl Ceremony: During Our Sunday Service on NEW YEAR’S DAY 1 01 2023 at 11:30 a.m. was a good time of writing out our Elimination Lists, tearing them up and burning them in our Unity Burning Bowl. We then wrote our Letters to God, claiming our heart’s desires for the New Year of 2023. The Letters to God were collected at the end of the service and will remain in the Unity Church Office where they receive daily prayer. The Letters to God will be mailed back the first week of June 2023.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Unity Church of the Valley Annual Meeting, Sunday 1 29 2023, following a brief Hospitality after our church service in Chaffee Hall. Everyone can attend, but only Members in Good Standing may vote

On Church Business.

February Birthday Sunday: February 5, 2023: We celebrate Nancy Buhl’s birthday on 2 19 and Janet Bailey’s birthday on 2 20. Is there a volunteer who will bring a small Birthday cake, pie, cookies/cupcakes or muffins? Please contact Patti Halliday, Janet Bailey or Rev. Jeri Linn if you can help celebrate our February birthdays.

Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, 2 14 2023 this year. So, at our Hospitality on Sunday, 2 12 2023 after the service, let’s share brief stories about love in our lives and even share some cute Valentine’s cards (i.e., children’s Valentines cards always bring a smile to our faces)!

Infant Christening Service at the end of our Sunday service on 2 19 2023, Blessing the daughter of Genesis Bonilla.

CHURCH WEB SITE: Malayna Dawn is our webmaster. Remember that our church e-mail address is: Please recommend our leased church home at the Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) for Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Infant Christenings and Celebration of Life services. (Office phone: 818-249-4396) Unity Church Office is Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays.

Our Sunday service is at 11:30 a.m., with refreshments in Chaffee Hall after the service.

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