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The Power of God Protects Us

Updated: Sep 30, 2023

Peace and Divine Order in our weather in Southern California and surrounding areas in the Southwest. Yes, Tropical Storm Hilary literally blew through our part of the country, creating heavy rain, mudslides and a bit of stressed nerves; but, for the most part, we all survived!

So, we are holding our Sunday service on 8 27 2023 at 11:30 am and we are continuing with our study of "The Unity Prayer for Protection." This Lesson is the next line in the beloved prayer written by Rev. James Dillet Freeman.

I trust that on 8-20-2023 you felt protected and felt that "This Too Shall Pass!" I have had several prayer requests relating to family dynamics and concerns over freeways and surface streets being flooded, etc. Progress is being made with all of those prayer requests.

Lighthouse amidst colorful storm waves crashing (ai generated image)
Poised and grounded amidst the storm

As we put our attention on what truly matters: Our inner beliefs in mind, emotions and body, we do experience healing, increased faith in God, the One Power and One Presence and we take one step at a time to be poised and grounded in the spiritual principles that we study in Unity and all New Thought Ministries.

To remind you of the definition of Power by Charles Fillmore: "Power is Man's innate control over his thoughts and feelings. In our mind, power is increased by exalted ideas." In Unity, we all these higher ideas: Divine Ideas. Divine Ideas often team up with each other to transform our physical self; our physical/outer experiences and bring about the Highest Good for All Concerned.

We all have the most wonderful gift: the gift of Free Will, so use your Free Will in creating the miraculous world Jesus called the Kingdom of Heaven and feel the blessings of gratitude for all that comes to pass in you and through you!

Storms come and go; but what remains is Our Realization of Our Own Spiritual Mastery.

God Blesses each one of you, here and now,

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by Blinkofaneye from Pixabay

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