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The Light of God Surrounds Me

Good news: our August Silent Unity Booklet, "The Prayer for Protection: A Beloved Prayer Brought to Life," has arrived in our mail! Everyone who attends this Sunday's service will receive a complimentary copy of the booklet. We will be studying the history of James Dillet Freeman writing the Prayer and then, each week, we will study the various key lines of the Prayer.

Historical Note: The Prayer for Protection was first written in 1940 during World War II, waging in Europe. A copy of the Prayer was planted on the Moon by Col. Edwin ("Buzz") Aldrin on the first moon landing during the Apollo 11 mission. In our booklet, James Dillet Freeman writes that Col, Aldrin did not know him and did not know anything about Unity; but, apparently, his heart was deeply touched by the Prayer. Personally, I believe it was in God's Plan that the Prayer be planted on the moon.

James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003) was an Internationally acclaimed poet, author and lecturer, truly a gifted channel of divine love and wisdom. He is known as the Poet Laureate for Unity.

Do your best to stay cool, drink plenty of water and when you show up for our Sunday service, thank goodness, the air conditioning is working perfectly!

Sincere Blessings,

Rev. Jeri Linn

We begin our August series of Lessons, supported by wonderful music by our talented Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen. We are so blessed! The first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Birthdays for that month.

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