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I Am Healed!

This Sunday's Lesson is: "I AM HEALED!" This simple affirmation is especially close to my heart, as in early November 2018, I experienced healing of Uterine Cancer through the skills of a well known Oncologist in Burbank, CA at Providence Medical Center (formerly known as St. Joseph's Hospital) My Oncologist was Richard M. Friedman. He recommended surgery for a radical hysterectomy. I have recently been declared as "Healed" by Dr. Friedman and I can now just go to a local GYN for a yearly exam. I am cancer free!

I have been a member of the Unity way of life for most of my adult life and the spiritual principles of Unity have saved my life as well as opening up new ways of living for me: opening the Path of Ministry to me well over 40 years ago, introducing me to spiritual people whom I count as Masters walking this Earth Plane. Unity is based on Healing.

It was also my great pleasure to work in Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at two (2) different times in my life. It was the best training anyone could ask for in the day-to-day experiences of ministry. I KNOW that the spiritual principles taught by Unity do work. I have witnessed healing experiences of so many people in my life.

It all began with the faith of Myrtle Fillmore, who refused to accept a dire diagnosis of Tuberculosis as a fatal disease. The words that shook her to her core, were uttered by Dr. E. B. Weeks, a Physician from Chicago, IL who believed in Metaphysics. He was touring the Mid-West and gave a lecture in Kansas City, MO that Charles & Myrtle Fillmore attended.

Myrtle had recently received a diagnosis from her family physician that she had Tuberculosis and "...need to get your affairs in order." At the time, she and Charles had two young sons. You can imagine her state of mind when she and Charles attended Dr Weeks' Lecture. Perhaps it was a desperate "last ditch effort to find help." However, here are the words that literally changed her mind and eventually her health: "You Are a Child of God and Do Not Inherit Sickness or Disease!"

Take these words as your personal Affirmation: "I Am a Child of God and Do Not Inherit Sickness or Disease!" You may want to add words such as: "I Am a Spiritual Being, Created in the Image and Likeness of My Loving Creator. I AM Whole and Well in Every Cell and Fiber of My Body!" or use the Silent Unity affirmation for healing in our February Silent Unity Prayer Service: "Realizing My Divine Nature, I am healed!"

Ann Louise Christensen (Christensen Music) provides her talent and the music to accompany the Lesson this Sunday. More Good News: Ann Louise will be our Unity Church of the Valley Music Director, beginning March 6, 2022! We are all so thrilled that she will be our Music Director and know that Christensen Music will expand our Sunday Services, tremendously!

Next Sunday, January 30, 2022, Richard Ihara will play for our Sunday service; Matthew (Matt) Lamy will play on February 13, 2022 and again on February 27, 2022 (Ann Louise will cover the other two Sundays in February).

We are also grateful for Marshall Hall, our Sound Board volunteer (plus, he brings salads from Ralph's Grocery Store to share at our Hospitality after the service!) Patty & Rick Halliday and Janet Bailey bring delicious side dishes, salads or desserts to our Hospitality as well. To quote a dear lady from our congregation: Mrs. Denise Kenney: "We may be small; but, we are mighty!"

Love and light,

Rev Jeri Linn

image borrowed from the Daily Fillmore on Twitter

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