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I Am Centered in Peace!

Last Sunday, January 2nd, 2022, we celebrated our Unity Burning Bowl Service, where we all wrote out the health, emotional and economic conditions and relationships that we wanted to eliminate from the past year of 2021. It is a strong, cleansing message to our subconscious minds, to take the Elimination List, tear it up and burn it in our Burning Bowl. After our Elimination Lists were turned to ashes, we all sat down and wrote our Letters to God, stating the conditions, relationships, etc. that we desired for the New Year of 2022. Matthew (Matt) Lamy, our new musician on our Guest Music Directors' team also participated in the Burning Bowl steps. I really like it when our musicians take part in the Sunday services! The Letters to God are in sealed envelopes sitting in our Unity Church of the Valley Office where they receive daily prayer. The Letters to God will be returned on June 2, 2022.

We are adding a new musician to our team at the end of January (Jan. 30, 2022 service). His name is Richard Ihara. He came to us with glowing recommendations from Cindy White and her best friend, Jaimie, who has often played with Richard. I have spoken to him at length and he has performed at several Unity Churches and knows some of my ministerial colleagues. I believe he will be a great addition to our Sunday services. Our current team members are: Ann Louise Christensen (occasionally, her husband, Geno Escarrega - Christensen Music); Matt Lamy and now, Richard Ihara.

This Sunday, January 9th, Ann Louise Christensen will perform for us, supporting the music for the Lesson theme: "I AM CENTERED IN PEACE!" As we turn the page on our Book of Life, the first step is to build an awareness of Spiritual Peace. Divine Peace is our true nature as spiritual beings. The important key to claiming and living our heart's desires is to live in Divine Peace. I will be the first one to admit that it is not easy; but, I know it can be done.

Here Are Some Suggestions to Help You Develop a Peaceful Mind, Lower Your Blood Pressure and Create a Peaceful Life: Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and spend a few minutes practicing the deep, cleansing breath. Inhale deeply, (pause & hold your breath to the count of 3); exhale your breath (hint: take longer to exhale than you did when you inhaled (suggest you exhale to the count of 4 or 5). Repeat the Cleansing Breath 3 times (or for as long as you feel you need in order to really relax).

In your mind, visualize the words: "I Am at Peace." If you like, say it out loud. Now, visualize the words: "My Soul was Created in Peace. Again, say these words out loud. Visualize the words: "My Heart is Filled with the Peace of God." Say these words out loud. Close this exercise by visualizing the words: "I Choose to Express Peace to Others and to Live in Peace."

The more you practice the Cleansing Breath, Visualizing Affirmations of Peace and then saying the Affirmations Out Loud, the easier it will become for you to be calm and centered. Your heart will be grateful, your relationships respond with love and respect and your prosperity thrives in amazing ways. PEACE BE WITH YOU! Image from Takin' Care of Momma

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