Unity is founded upon the Power of Prayer. We consider the Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, MO. to be our 24/7 "Unity World Prayer Headquarters." Last week, I shared with our email members and members in attendance in our Sunday Service, the Prayer Project Request From: Silent Unity to ALL of us. It is repeated, again, below: Prayer Request From Silent Unity At Unity World Headquarters: Together We Pray for the People of the Ukraine. Please hold the following Prayer for 1 Minute at 6:00 p.m. each evening "Our hearts join together in prayer for the people of Ukraine. We hold the highest vision for peace and tranquility! We give thanks knowing that God is present in every situation." NOTE: This Prayer Request has been sent to 21 Nations. For those of us in the United States, our Prayer Time is: 6:00 p.m. This Sunday, our Lesson is titled: "Faith & Healing." One of the powerful incidents of Healing in the New Testament is Jesus' Healing of the Lame Man at the Gate to the Healing Pool of Bethesda (Scripture Ref.: John 5: 5-6). There were five (5) Porches or Entrances to the Healing Pool and the Lame Man had rested on his cot at the edge of the Healing Pool for many years (38 years). Actually, a large number of sick people were lying around the entrances to the pool: blind, lame, crippled, waiting for the water to be stirred up. I think that the "stirring of the water was probably a natural hot springs that would "bubble up," periodically and those in need of healing would ask for help to get into the bubbling springs. We will go into more detail of the metaphysics of this incident of Healing the Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate at Bethesda, in our Sunday Lesson. Our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen will lead us in music and be part of the blessings of Prayer, Meditation and the Healing Word in our service. If you have a Prayer Request, please send a Reply Message to this email and your name will be added to our Prayer List. We Bless the following dedicated volunteers: Marshall Hall who operates the Sound Board; Patti & Rick Halliday & Janet Bailey who make the coffee and set out the donated refreshments each Sunday for our Hospitality. There is always a seat at our table, just for you and a guest! In God's Love, Rev. Jeri Linn Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
