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Fact Versus Fiction


Sending all of you prayers to stay cool & safe in the high summer temperatures! This Sunday's Lesson is the article in our Silent Unity booklet: "Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life." It is a very interesting article by Rev. David B. Adams, Co-Senior Minister at Unity of Independence, Missouri: "Fact, Feelings, Fiction."

Briefly, Rev. Adams explains that the Fact is the choice at hand; Feelings are what come up as we weigh the options; Fiction is the old stories we tell ourselves.

A drawing of a brain - lack and white on one side, colorful on the other.

We are blessed to enjoy wonderful music each Sunday with our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen of Christensen Music. Ann Louise also teaches piano students each Sunday and if you are interested, you can speak with her on Sunday about taking piano lessons for yourself or for your child.

Blessings to Marshall Hall who has been staying at home until he feels that his legs & balance are better. We keep Marshall in prayer.

God's Rich Blessings to all of us who are members of Unity Church of the Valley and those who attend services on Sunday mornings. In the fall, when the temperatures are cooler, we anticipate returning to the Thursday morning classes at 11:00 a.m. in the Child's Room in Chaffee Hall.

May we all move forward in faith and love, knowing we are safe & secure in the Practical Christianity practice in Unity.

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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