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Valley Light Newsletter March - April 2022


The Valley Light Newsletter

March – April 2022

Minister’s March– April Message

We are officially moving in the Season of Lent, our time of spiritual preparation for Easter. Lent is a traditional time of fasting in which followers of certain religious faiths give up meat or some other food for 40 days. That

May be a healthy thing to do; but does it really have anything to do with spirituality?

In Unity, we encourage people to make Lent their spiritual practice. We do this by Fasting from negativity, i.e., giving up the negative mental practices of fear, worry, anger, complaining, criticism, condemnation, apathy, stinginess and lack. I know this is quite a list; but just do your best to release thoughts and emotions that you already know are harmful to your well being and realize that negative emotions do have a weakening effect on your health and enjoyment of life.

Fasting from the negative is a good, rich experience because it prepares the way for you to Feast on the spiritual (or positive) ideas of Love, Life, Peace, Joy, Appreciation, A

cceptance, Beauty, Generosity and Abundance.

Rev Jeri Linn



Matthew Lamy 3/20

Wally Hackett 3/23


Kathy Hanson 4/3

Tom Harris



March 2022

Guidance: “By the power of divine wisdom, I know the way to go.”

Healing: “I am one with and now fully manifest vigorous life.”

Prosperity: “God is the source of all good I can imagine.”

Peace: “I am a radiating center of peace, blessing the world.”

April 2022

Guidance: “Immersed in divine wisdom, I listen, learn and live.”

Healing:” One with God, I am the flow and vitality of life. “

Prosperity: “All things are possible in divine mind.”

Peace: “Let there be peace in all people at all times.”

Prayer Requests: We give thanks for Answered Prayer! Unity Church of the Valley Prayer Ministry: Nancy Buhl, Director (Marina Del Rey, CA: 1-310-578-6193) or call Rev. Jeri Linn at the church office: 818-249-4396. The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, MO: 1-800-669-7729 (toll free) or 1-816-969-2000 24hrs – 7 days a week.

Unity Events (March - April 2022)

March Birthday Sunday: March 6, 2022: We all enjoyed sharing coconut cream pie, with fresh strawberries for topping, side salads donated by Marshall Hall, Janet Bailey’s kale salad, delicious cheese and crackers. No one ever goes home hungry from our Hospitality time, after the Sunday service.

April 3, 2022 is the April Birthday Sunday. Is there a volunteer who will bring the Birthday cake, pie, cookies/cupcakes or muffins? Please contact Patti Halliday, Janet Bailey or Rev. Jeri Linn if you can help celebrate our April Birthdays.

March 13, 2022 is the Time Change to set your clocks 1 hour ahead “Spring Forward to your greater good!”

St. Patrick’s Day Party: Let’s have fun “wearing the green”! The actual St. Patrick’s Day Holiday is Thursday, March 17th.

Palm Sunday is April 10th (Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem on the celebration of Passover)

Easter Sunday is April 17th. Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection and our Personal Resurrection Experience. If you would like to purchase an Easter Lily to help decorate our stage area for the service, it would be appreciated! Just put your name on the bottom of the potted Lily and take it home with you, after the service.

--PROSPERITY REPORTS - JANUARY 2022 (available upon request)--

CHURCH WEB SITE: Malayna Dawn is our webmaster. Remember that our church e-mail address is: Please recommend our leased church home at the Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) for Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Infant Christenings and Celebration of Life services. (Office phone: 818-249-4396) Unity Church Office is Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays.

Our Sunday service begins at 11:30 a.m., with refreshments in Chaffee Hall after the service.

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