The winds, rain and cooler temperatures have arrived! Today, Thursday, 11 03 2022 is sunny; but cool!! The Daily Word message for today has a lovely affirmation: "I hold my most precious dreams in my heart! Now, that is the perfect way to begin our month of Gratitude and Thanksgiving! Remember, also, that on Saturday night, 11 05 2022, to set your clocks back one (1 hour). It is the "Fall Back" Season. Well, the good thing is that we will have an extra hour for rest and enjoy a leisurely breakfast! The Lesson this Sunday is a Prosperity Lesson: "Unexpected Money!" The Prayer Treatment will be an insert in your Sunday Bulletin so that you can take it home and set it in a place where you can say it, often. Abundance is our Birthright as a Spiritual Being. If we are experiencing lack or limitation in any form; then, it is time to set our thoughts on the Source of our Good, the One Power and One Presence. You can refer to our Source of All Good as God; Our Creator; Divine Presence; the Universe and Divine Love. Reaffirm in your thoughts, feelings and meditations, that you have been created to express the Christ within you and to Receive Your Abundant Good! Most of our readers of "This Week at Unity Church of the Valley," have studied Unity principles, taken classes, used Affirmative Prayer and Meditations to improve their life and the lives of their loved ones. Can you remember how you felt when you first were introduced to the Unity principles? My family still teases me about my repetitive "It's All in Divine Order!" statements! Ha! Ha! I love Unity and all New Thought ministries and to my knowledge they all agree on the core beliefs of living a spiritual life. Mark your calendar for the Saturday after the Thanksgiving Holiday to visit the Montrose Shopping Park. Look for Ann Louise Christensen and her band: Christensen Music. At this time, I don't know exactly when they will start playing or exactly where the band will set up; but we are so proud of Ann Louise and if you have attended our Sunday Morning Services, you have experienced her talent as a pianist, singer and composer of wonderful music. I will send a separate announcement to everyone on our email list, when I can verify the start time in Montrose, CA for Christensen's performance. I have also been told that in the evening, Santa Clause and numerous marching bands will usher in the Christmas Season!! Life is Good and You Are Loved! Rev. Jeri Linn
