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Unexpected Angels and Heroes Among Us

Yes, we have had a bit of rain and cold temperatures today (Thursday, 2 23 2023); yet, the weather forecasts for tomorrow call for more rainstorms/snow showers and colder temperatures. Let us all call upon our innate qualities of spiritual wisdom, love and divine order if traveling in our La Crescenta, La Canada-Flintridge; Glendale and Pasadena, CA communities.

Our Lesson on "True Compassion" is inspired by one of the most loved Parables of our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Scripture Reference: Luke 10:33). Simply, put, a traveler has been attacked (beaten, robbed and left for dead) by the side of the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. Other travelers on this road include a Priest and a Levite (both of high rank in the established religious structure ... have already passed by the wounded man, without stopping to help him.

In Jesus' style of teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven and our earthly responsibilities to our brothers and sisters, Jesus often spoke in Parables (Earthly stories with a Heavenly/Spiritual meaning. If you read the account in Luke 10:33, imagine that you are watching a stage play depicting the events. Imagine that YOU are one of the actors in the play. Do you have pity for the poor man who was nearly beaten to death, robbed and tossed over the edge of the road?

We will discuss this important Parable on Sunday which will include considering the human ego's justification for the Priest and a Levite leaving the man alone; the hero of the story: The Good Samaritan, who does all he can within his own power to help rescue the fellow and how his heart was deeply moved in compassion to literally save the man's life.

Compassion is a spiritual quality inspired by Divine Love. I believe that all of us in Unity or any other New Thought Ministry are deeply compassionate people. Thank God that this is true!

Ann Louise Christensen, our Music Director will lead us with inspiring music for meditation and at the close of our lesson. We are blessed with her presence and her talent!

Let us close with our Unity Prayer of Protection: "The Light of God Surrounds Us; the Love of God Enfolds Us; the Power of God Protects Us and the Presence of God Watches Over Us and Wherever God Is, and All is Well!"

Peace Be With You,

Rev. Jeri Linn

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