Minister’s Message
We celebrate our Individual and Group Consciousness of Freedom in July and August, 2023! For any thought that tells us we are bound tightly by appearances of limitation, we declare: “This is NOT my Truth! Appearances constantly change; but the true Formative Cause never changes. That is why God is often defined as “First Cause.” You can trust First Cause. Tell yourself: God is Love, Life, Intelligence, Substance and Power. God always has my back!
One of our songs in July is: “I Am Free, I Am Unlimited (there are no chains that bind me!)” Let that Truth Idea be your personal Independence and you will happily experience a steady flow of improvement in your life and affairs.
In Gratitude,
Rev Jeri Linn
July 2023
Guidance: “God is the wisdom that flows as intelligence throughout every cell in my body and every thought in my mind.”
Health: “I tell the truth of divine life to my body and my circumstances.”
Prosperity: “Focused in faith, I perceive the truth of divine abundance by which I prosper.”
Peace: “Established in the center of my being, I am still and peaceful.”
August 2023
Guidance: “I am guided by infinite wisdom in all matters.”
Health: “I am one with and now fully flourish in divine life.”
Prosperity: “Through wind and storm, I stand steady knowing God is my strength.”
Peace: “With God as my peace, I rest deeply and breathe easily.”
Prayer Requests:
We give thanks for Answered Prayer! Unity Church of the Valley Prayer Ministry: call Rev. Jeri Linn at the church office: 818-249-4396.The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry at Unity Village, MO: 1-800-669-7729 (toll free) or 1-816-969-2000 24hrs – 7 days a week.
CHURCH WEB SITE: Malayna Dawn is our webmaster. Remember that our church e-mail address is: Please recommend our leased church home at Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) for Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Infant Christenings and Celebration of Life services. (Office phone: 818-249-4396) Unity Church Office is Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays.
Our Sunday service is at 11:30 a.m., Ann Louise Christensen is our very talented Music Director and after the service, we enjoy fellowship and refreshments in Chaffee Hall.