Greetings Dear Unity Friends & Family:
To begin this email message, I would like to quote one of my favorite early Unity authors, Mary Katherine MacDougall's poem: "My Good Comes to Me Now, Today!"
"Thank God, my good comes to me now easily, without strain or concern. I am happy now, I do not have to wait for anything or anybody to make me happy. I am healthy now, I do not have to wait for healing or energy."
This poem is actually a wonderful prayer treatment and a copy will be included as insert in Sunday's Bulletin. If you cannot attend the service, in person, please send a reply to this email, requesting a copy and I will be glad to provide you with a copy (please include your email address, and/or mailing address).
Our Sunday Lesson, "The Upper Room," provides a metaphysical interpretation of the Disciples meeting in the Upper Room of a building in Jerusalem, following Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection. It is a meaningful moment when they are transformed from being Followers of their Beloved Teacher to being transformed into Apostles. They are changed through the power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus appears in their midst and "breathes" on them. It is an incident, rich with symbolic imagery as they now must go out on their own as teachers, healers and evangelists spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have graduated from being students to performing healing works of Mastery.
Supporting our Lesson on Sunday is a Special Guest Musician: David Haworth. One of our other favorite musicians, Matthew Lamy, recommended David to us and after looking him up on Google & Face book, I was very impressed by his experience and talent. All of us are in for a treat!
Also, Sunday is Birthday Sunday for May Birthdays. Patti Halliday has a birthday on May 5th ... Cinco de Mayo! We'll sing Happy Birthday to her and wish her a wonderful year of health and happiness. La Reine Nesmith celebrates her birthday on May 24th. So we include her in our "Happy Birthday" song, as well.
We are grateful for our dedicated volunteers that help make our Sunday services successful: Marshall Hall, Sound Board Engineer; Janet Bailey, Patti & Rick Halliday, Hospitality, following the Sunday service in Chaffee Hall. I also want to mention that Marshall is so kind to stop by Ralph's Grocery Store each Sunday and bring us delicious side dishes from the Deli. He is a kind and generous soul and we are blessed!
Please Remember to Pray with the Ukrainian Citizens every day at 6:00 p.m. (whatever your time zone) We join with Silent Unity in Affirmative Prayer for Peace and Tranquility to the Ukrainian people and for Justice and Divine Right Action in resolving their conflict with Russia. May all beings know peace and protection.
May we all step forward into the Light, Love and Peace of Jesus Christ, Our Elder Brother,
Rev. Jeri Linn
Image by Дмитрий Мошнин from Pixabay