This Sunday we move forward to the last Sunday in our May Lessons on the Silent Unity booklet, "Finding Peace Through Prayer." Our Lesson this Sunday is "Praying for Others." It is supported with the musical talent of our Guest Musician, Richard Ihara. He is filling in for Ann Louise Christensen who is on vacation with her husband, Geno, in Italy for the marriage of his daughter.
Richard Ihara has played for our services before and he was well received by our congregation. He has played for Unity services in various ministries and we are blessed to have him play for our Sunday service on Sunday. Hospitality in Chaffee Hall follows the Sunday service.
The Silent Unity Prayer for our Sunday Lesson is as follows: "In a spirit of peace, I seek to understand and appreciate others."
"As I cultivate spiritual understanding, I am more openhearted and open-minded each day. I open wide the doors of my heart so that I might live in peace with all people. I am one with and now demonstrate loving kindness and peace."
Holding everyone in our Unity congregation in prayers for their highest good, knowing that Divine Love Guides, Heals and Prospers, always!
Rev. Jeri Linn