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One Presence, One Power


Updated: Jul 2, 2022

Greetings, Dear Unity Friends & Family:

Welcome to the warm, sunny days of June! This Sunday is Birthday Sunday. My Birthday List shows that Mary Lou Pozzo celebrates her birthday on June 18th. Mary Lou and her husband, Richard now live in North Carolina, but she is on our email list, and I know her heart is with all of us at Unity Church of the Valley. We will sing "Happy Birthday" to Mary Lou and any other June Birthdays during Hospitality after our Sunday service.

The Lesson Theme for June is based on a new Silent Unity Booklet, "Five Principles for Spiritual Living." Also, we celebrate Father's Day on June 19th and honor the Father Principle within all of us as Divine Wisdom/Good Judgment. Copies of the "Five Principles for Spiritual Living" have been ordered and should arrive by USPS mail by next week. Your copy of the booklet is a gift to you from Unity Church of the Valley.

Our Lesson this Sunday (the First Principle) emphasizes that Unity believes that there is only One Power and One Presence in the Universe. A good way to remember this is to Affirm: "God is Absolute Good, everywhere present!" Call to mind, what I call the three Omni's: God is Omnipresent (everywhere present, equally, at all times); Omnipotent (God is All Powerful - there is no other power that opposes God) and God is Omniscient (All Intelligence, all knowing at all times).

Supporting the Lesson is our wonderful Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen - Escarrega. Her company is Christensen Music. Besides providing beautiful music for our services, Ann Louise is also a top-notch piano teacher. Talk to her on Sunday if you or your child is interested in piano lessons.

We give thanks for the following dedicated Unity Volunteers: Sound Board: Marshall Hall; Hospitality after the Sunday Service: Richard & Patti Halliday and Janet Bailey. We appreciate the "covered dish" attitude of folks bringing salads, fruit, desserts or homemade entrees to share with everyone on Sundays! We use our Hospitality to welcome visitors, to touch base with each other and also to share prayer requests.

Speaking of Prayer: We continue to bless all citizens of the Ukraine and affirm a peaceful resolution to their conflict with Russia. Our prayer time is 6:00 p.m. (any time zone), as scheduled by Silent Unity to sit quietly in the Silence and pray for the highest good for both the Ukraine and for Russia.

If you have a Prayer Request, you can reply to this email message, call our Unity Church Office (818) 249 4396 and leave a message on the Voice Mail; call our Prayer Ministry Director, Nancy Buhl Home at Marina del Rey: (310) 578-6193 (note: Please do not call in the evening). Also, you can call Silent Unity Prayer Ministry in Kansas City, MO at (816) 969-2000 or go online to:

Here is one of the Silent Unity affirmations that I like to say before driving ... anywhere: "The Spirit of the Lord goes before me, making easy, safe and successful my way!"

God is Blessing You, Now!

Rev Jeri Linn

Sun glowing over the ocean - Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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