Trusting that you are following the Silent Unity booklet, "The Sweetest Christmas," containing inspiring articles and affirmations for Advent Sundays. Think of Advent as your spiritual preparation for honoring the Nativity; but, most of all, for honoring your own acceptance of the indwelling Christ consciousness within you.
This coming Sunday, 12 10 2023 is the 2nd Advent Sunday and the theme is "Peace." We close ever Sunday service by singing the Unity Peace Song and repeating the Prayer of Protection by James Dillet Freeman. I have mentioned in the context of previous Sunday Lessons that I have been inspired to do a simple prayer practice just before bedtime: I have close family photos on my nightstand and on the wall above my nightstand. I light a stick of incense (or light a candle) and I bless every photo with our Prayer of Protection. If a certain family member needs specific prayers for guidance, strength, prosperity or healing, I affirm that they have their needs met in peace and in divine order.
I am glad to report that there has been significant improvement in the lives of my loved ones and "Yes," I am enjoying a deep sleep every night, sparkled with sweet dreams.
Another Note: Our own Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen and her band, will be playing in Montrose (Honolulu Ave.) across from the Bank of America this Saturday, 12 09 2023 from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. She will also have copies of a lovely CD of Christmas music available for purchase. A few of us will pick one of the nearby restaurants for lunch, too. So come and enjoy music for the season and support very talented musicians, as well!
God is Blessing You, Now!
Rev. Jeri Linn