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Maundy Thursday and Easter Lillies


Today is called Maundy Thursday in the Holy Week of Easter. We are enjoying clear blue skies and the weather forecast is for warm temperatures in the high 70's with a possibility of 80 degrees on Easter Sunday! Get out the suntan lotion! As we have done in previous Easter Sundays, please bring an Easter Lily plant to help decorate the platform area. Put you name on the bottom of your Easter Lily and take it home with you after the service. I found mine at Von's Grocery Store and Foothill & Pennsylvania in La Crescenta, for $9.99. I know you can also check prices for healthy Easter Lily plants at Trader Joe's in Montrose and La Canada and Sprouts Health Foods Grocery Store in La Canada.

The Last Supper with Jesus and His Disciples takes place in Jerusalem on what is known as Maundy Thursday. Today's Daily Word message describes Jesus offering a cup of wine and breaking loaves of bread and offering them to His Disciples, saying: "Do this in remembrance of me." "Wine and bread represent our Christ nature as symbols of divine life and spiritual substance. We affirm: "Divine Life and Substance are active within me and my life." Yes, today I make a commitment to using Divine Life creatively and with intention.

We are grateful for our talented Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen and for all the kind volunteers who assist with the Hospitality time in Chaffee Hall after our Sunday service. We are so blessed! All of us at Unity Church of the Valley invite you, your family & friends to join us this Sunday to celebrate the Victory of Eternal Life over any appearances of limitation or death. Thank you, Elder Brother, Jesus for your Example for all Mankind.


Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by Stephen Marc from Pixabay

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