Welcome to a month filled with Lessons on the different aspects of expressing a consciousness (aka "awareness") of self-love, love for others and all expressions of life on our planet! This Sunday is Birthday Sunday for those born in the month of February. We celebrate the birthdays of Nancy Buhl, our Prayer Director on 2 19th and Janet Bailey, our Board President on 2 20th, As usual. the first Sunday of each month is Birthday Sunday, with cake or some other dessert at our Hospitality time in Chaffee Hall after the service.
Our Lesson this Sunday is "Expect the Best!" There is an excellent article in the Jan-Feb Daily Word re: "From Fearing the Worst to Expecting the Best!" by Michaelle Washington, R.N. She is a Nurse Practitioner working with her husband, Rev. John Williamson with their online services for Unity Church of Chatsworth, CA. Many of us can relate to Mrs. Washington's early life experience of "fearing" the worst conditions would happen. However, with meditation, prayerful study of the lessons of Practical Christianity taught by Unity and other New Thought ministries, we learn to stand firm in the principles of overcoming nervousness and fear and replace those thoughts with Divine Love. It is the power of Divine Love that heals, strengthens and brings our own to us.
We are so blessed with our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen. Her company is Christensen Music if you would like to look for her on Face book.
God's Overflowing Blessings Are With YOU, Now!
Rev. Jeri Linn
