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Living in the Dynamic Now

High, cold Santa Ana winds today and tomorrow; possible rain on Saturday and Sunday. The good news at our Annual Business Meeting this Sunday is that we have never missed a Sunday during the entire year of 2022! Our doors are always open on Sundays for our 11:30 a.m. service, providing inspirational meditation music, prayers and a metaphysical Lesson every week. We are blessed with our Music Director: Ann Louise Christensen and dear volunteers Patti & Rick Halliday & Janet Bailey who help with Hospitality and are always welcoming to our visitors. The Good News is that we are attracting new visitors every Sunday! We have increased our advertisement in the Crescenta Valley Weekly, published on Thursdays. So, let us focus on our positive prayer energy and have faith that there will be a continued increase of services and financial blessings in 2023!! Our Lesson this Sunday is on the theme of

, moment by moment. Metaphysically, we understand that we never stay in the Past and the Future Growth has not yet appeared. The Universe is continually in the process of creating and only recognizes the "NOW" moment. We release the past (good and the emotionally challenging experiences and embraces the beautiful NOW moment, filled with understanding, love, peace and the perfect expression of Divine Life!!

Here is a Silent Unity Prayer for all of us to affirm: "I LIVE IN THE ETERNAL NOW!" (Life can only be lived in the "now" of time, not at some future date and time and not mired in the past). God's Rich Blessings of Life, Peace, Love, Abundance, Spiritual Growth and Creativity Are Available to Me, Now! Praise the Good that Is Everywhere, Rev. Jeri Linn

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