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Healing Springs


The clouds, fog and light sprinkles give the appearance of a dreary day; however, appearances always change! Local weather forecasters predict sunny, warm weather for Saturday and Sunday! So, let us enjoy the beautiful weekend weather!

Our Lesson: "The Road to Emmaus" (pronounced: E-May-Us) shares stories of some of Jesus' appearances after his Resurrection. Metaphysical teachers and Bible Historians believe that Jesus held His body on the psychical and astral planes for 40 days. His resurrected body was similar in appearance, in that He was recognized by many to whom He appeared. (see: Luke 24:13-35). The name "Emmaus" in Hebrew means "warm spring" (much like a hot spring or a spa/resort) located about 7 miles from Jerusalem.

In our Lesson on Sunday, we will discuss some of Jesus' appearances. I think you will find it very interesting! Of course, we have the talented support of our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen, assistance on the Sound Board (if Marshall feels physically able to join us), and the kind volunteers with our Hospitality after the service: Patty & Rick Halliday, Janet Bailey and Olesia Wojciesyn.

God's Life Force, Love, Strength and Wisdom are Within You, Always!

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image by falco from Pixabay

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