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God's Healing Power


Our current Spring study booklet from Silent Unity is: "Healing A Thousand Different Ways ... Wisdom and tools for Personal Transformation."  We already have given away 12 copies as a gift to those who attend our Sunday service and if necessary, I can order more!

Healing is the foundation of Unity ministries and study groups, worldwide.  To quote Silent Unity: "What one heart cannot bear alone, a hundred loving hearts can bear with faith." Call: 816-969-2000.  You can also go online to: to request prayers for yourself, family, friends & business associates.  

At our local Unity Church of the Valley, we often pray with infants, young children, teens and those in their natural aging process.  We bless animals, people and even world events, praying for wisdom, guidance and peace.  In Unity, we give thanks that Affirmative Prayer always brings about the Divine Order that is the healing.

With this message today, Nancy Buhl, our Prayer Director and I send each one of you the inner conviction that with God, All things are possible.  Let your heart trust in the overcoming power of the One Power and One Presence, here and now.

Loving Blessings,

Rev. Jeri Linn

Image from William Farlow on Unsplash (via Wix)

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