We are finally enjoying a break from May Gray and June Gloom! The temperatures "might" warm up a bit, with an occasional shower or two! But. that is Southern California! Those of us who live in Southern California have learned to be flexible and to keep a good attitude about unexpected weather changes.

The Good News: Our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen returns from a vacation in Italy this Sunday! We thank our Guest Musician, Richard Ihara, for performing so beautifully in her absence! Also, Richard will be a grandfather of a baby boy in August, 2023 and I asked him to let us know the arrival time/date of the little one!
Our congregation is very much like a family and that is one of our greatest blessings!
If you have the opportunity, please invite a friend, neighbor or relative to attend a Sunday morning service and stay for Hospitality after the service. We are a church of Practical Christianity, which means we do our best to apply the teachings of our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ in daily living. Prayer and Meditation, supported by great music augments the Sunday Lesson each week.
God Blesses You, Richly, today!
Rev Jeri Linn
Image by Roman Grac from Pixabay