Trying to recall the singer who had the hit about: "It never rains in Southern California; but, when it does, man it pours!" It has been that kind of day, today and yesterday, too! Rain or sunshine, we are looking forward to our Annual Unity Burning Bowl service this Sunday, January 2, 2022! Whatever you plan to do on New Year's Eve, my prayers are with you for patience, safety and peace! I will stay home and watch the various New Year's Eve shows on my TV ... bundled up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate! And that's how I roll these days!!
In prayer and meditation, Spirit gives me the message that in spite of appearances, 2022 will prove to be a better year, so, let us anticipate the Good and bring it into manifestation by our thoughts, feelings and inner visions of peace, strength, enduring health and prosperity. I am grateful for the wonderful love and connection we have in Unity Church of the Valley. We may have small attendance; but, I know that will change. Hold the thought of Increase with me. We are a mighty force for good and when we pray with each other, we see results!!
I just returned from a Christmas vacation. It was my first Christmas Vacation in 17 years! When asked "How was your vacation?" My only response is: "It was fun and it was chaotic!" I visited my Nephew, his fiancé and his four (4) girls: Ages 3, 9, 10 & 11! I am so glad to be home in my own apartment, enjoying the peace & quiet!! We opened gifts on Christmas Eve and about 20 other guests showed up on Christmas Eve, bearing gifts and food! I met various friends & family I had heard about; but had not met. Just that experience was a blessing for me.
I want to thank our Guest Speaker, Susan Zollinger and the most excellent volunteers: Rick & Patti Halliday and Janet Bailey who made sure that the Sunday service on 12 26 2021 went smoothly. I could not have taken the vacation time without their help! I am blessed! I see each one of you on our E-mail list as richly blessed, as well! Love, Rev. Jeri Linn Image by Lara at