Greetings Dear Unity Friends & Family:
Trusting that your Easter Sunday was peaceful and lovely in every way. Thankfully, in Southern California we enjoyed a sunny day, although a bit cool!
Well, we think that with the Great Demonstration of Life after the Crucifixion, that Jesus' story would be finished ... But, Wait, There Is More! One week after the Crucifixion, Jesus joins two devoted "Followers of the Way," as they were known. The travelers were walking toward a small village that was a resort known as Emmaus, with a natural hot springs, places to rest for the night and enjoy a good meal. Emmaus is about seven (7) miles away from Jerusalem. This story is in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24. It is known as "Jesus Travels to Emmaus."
A seven mile walk provides the travelers plenty of time to talk about the Crucifixion in Jerusalem. Jesus was walking with the two men and the scripture account states "... their eyes were kept from recognizing Him." On Sunday, we will discuss the conversation that occurred among the travelers and what happens when they stop for an evening meal and rest. This account of Jesus appearing to two of His followers was not the only time He appears after the Crucifixion. Jesus does not actually Ascend to the Higher Realm of the Kingdom of Heaven for another 40 days after the Crucifixion.
Supporting our Service this coming Sunday with her talent and presence is Ann Louis Christensen, our Music Director. Marshall Hall is our volunteer on the Sound Board; Janet Bailey, Rick & Patti Halliday are busy in the kitchen in Chaffee Hall, making coffee and setting out delicious side dishes for our enjoyment. We laugh and call our time of Hospitality, "the weekly miracle," because we always have enough to share. Please feel welcome at our table!
Silent Unity Prayer Ministry has asked 21 Nations to join together in prayer for the Ukraine. In the United States, our time for prayer is 6:00 p.m. (in whatever time zone where you live).
We pray for Peace and Tranquility in the Ukraine; for Protection, Justice and Divine Right Action for all the citizens of the Ukraine; for a spirit of compassion in the hearts of people around the world who offer refuge, shelter, clothing, food and medicine to people of the Ukraine. Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me (Us) here and now!
Currently, we are holding Bruce Anderson's 2nd cousin, Kaydon, in prayer for recovery from severe burns from a car accident; Nancy Buhl and her sister, Petey for Healing and Strength; Marshall Hall for Healing and Strength.
We believe in the Power of Prayer.
Loving Blessings,
Rev. Jeri Linn
Image by Ngo Tuan Anh from Pixabay