We are close to the end of February and our Sunday Lessons on various aspects of Divine Love will conclude, soon. This Sunday, the Lesson is on "The Heart of Forgiveness." Our Elder Brother and Master Teacher, Jesus, emphasized how important it was to continually forgive (Ourselves, others and even corporations). Think of Forgiveness as a purification process. You are simply giving up the false for the true. Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, has stated that "True forgiveness really means the giving up of something and is established through renewing the mind and body with thoughts and words of Truth. It is through forgiveness that true spiritual healing is accomplished." Ann Louise Christiansen, our new Music Director will play supportive music for us to sing together and also play meditative and inspirational music in our service. We are blessed. People and situations we are holding in our Prayer Consciousness are: Claudia Chicas and her grandson, Legend, for healing. They tested positive for Covid 19 a few weeks ago and have been in quarantine at home; Marshall Hall for healing (strength in his legs) and for guidance re: staying in his home or perhaps finding the right and perfect Care Center. We are also holding thoughts of Peace and Divine Right Action re: the situation with Russian troops at the border of Ukraine. We affirm Divine Guidance for President Biden and all his Millitary Advisors and Members of NATO. If you have a personal prayer request, you can send it to our church email address: unitylacrescenta1@att.net or call the church office at: 818 249 4396. You can also call Silent Unity Prayer Ministry, 24/7 at 816-969-2000. You also may call our dear Nancy Buhl, Prayer Director (during the day, please) at: 310-578-6193. When you attend one of our Sunday services, please stay for a short while after the music, meditation and Lesson and join us for Hospitality in Chaffee Hall. Patti & Rick Halliday and Janet Bailey loving set out the refreshments for your enjoyment. Unity Church of the Valley continues to teach the Unity Principles as taught by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and the countless early teachers that have so much to change people's lives for the better for generations. We are committed to continue with the Practical Christianity of these dedicated and advanced spiritual souls. In the Name and Nature of our Brother, Jesus Christ, Rev. Jeri Linn Image by Jeong Eun Lee from Pixabay