This coming Sunday our Lesson topic will be on defining God, our One Power and One Presence as Light. Charles Fillmore described "Light" as the understanding principle in Mind. In divine order it always comes first into our consciousness. Light is a symbol of wisdom. When Jesus said "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), He meant that He was the expresser of Truth in all its aspects.
To feel our personal connection with "Inner Light," is to know the illumination of Spirit that resides in the very center of our being. In our study of the 12 Powers of Man, Charles Fillmore and besides representing "Wisdom," it was very helpful to visualize divine light located in our body just behind the solar plexus and affirm something like: "Divine Light guides me to make right choices in all my decisions regarding my life."
I have used a prayer that I think I first read in one of Dr. Catherine Ponder's books on healing; however, I have carried it with me for so long, I also could have heard it in the Silent Unity Prayer Room: "My Life is enfolded in a Circle of Light, Where Good Follows Good; Miracle Follows Miracle And Wonders Never Cease!"
We will practice the Circle of Divine Light this Sunday: 1 14 2024.
Rev. Jeri Linn
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