Well, it was a "Family Reunion" to be treasured! I just returned from attending our SW Unity Region's 2022 Conference at Embassy Suites Hotel & Spa in La Quinta, CA: 4 1/2 hours driving to and from the Conference from my neighborhood in La Crescenta. Feeling inspired and eager to implement some of the ideas suggested by workshop leaders and the SW Regional Board of Trustees; but my physical self is asking for more rest! All is in Divine Order!
I had forwarded by email photos of our original church home on Montrose Avenue to our Business Manager of the Region and also a photo of our original Articles of Incorporation, dated May 23, 1949!
Our church Anniversary is November 15th: meaning we are 68 years old as a Unity Ministry in La Crescenta, CA. My personal anniversary as the Minister of Unity Church of the Valley was September 7th, 2022 meaning I have celebrated 18 years as the Ministry of our lovely congregation.
Our primary focus for the rest of 2022 and into the New Year of 2023 is to attract new people to our services, events and classes. We have a lovely, leased space with the Center for Spiritual Living, with plenty of parking, office and classroom space and plenty of room for fellowship after our Sunday service. You can help us in our intention to attract more people who really would like to learn and support the Unity message of practical Christianity, as taught by our co-founders, Charles & Myrtle Fillmore. Our Address: 4845 Dunsmore Ave (At the corner of Dunsmore and Santa Carlotta Ave in La Crescenta, CA.
Office phone: 818 249 4396 Callers can leave a message for questions about Unity Teachings and also to request prayer support.
YOU are a channel of love, light, joy and prosperity for your own, personal needs and for our Unity Church of the Valley!
We give thanks for our talented Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen and for her spirit of Light and Love that she brings to our services!
Remember Who You Are .... the Divine Self, living here on Earth as a Soul who has a Mission and Purpose for being on Earth at this time.
Loving Blessings,
Rev Jeri Linn
Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
